SEMiLLA Sanitation / Nijhuis Saur Industries, managing partner



SEMiLLA Sanitation und Nijhuis Saur Industries, Managing partner

Panel: Beyond borders: circular festivals & innovations in Europe |

Working with European Space Agency (ESA) inspired Peter to design a closed loop system combining Yellow, Grey and Black Water Techniques and vertical farming. Peter founded SEMiLLA Sanitation Hubs in 2017 focusing on increasing the amount of fresh water and food in a circular way. The world population is growing, and enough food and water are needed. SEMiLLA Sanitation Hubs produces off-grid working modular solutions including sanitation, wastewater treatment systems, and food production facilities. This innovation contributes to the realization of the UN’s sixth and second Sustainable Development goal, the creation of circular economies, pollution reduction, creation of business opportunities, and improvement of global food security. It’s a closed loop concept that provides clean and safe sanitation facilities, and the sanitation wastewater streams are on-spot converted into: Reusable water, irrigation water, fertilizers, nutrients, and compost. The concepts are tested on many festivals and there also started the focus on making festivals circular. A Pee to Tea campaign is started to create awareness.