
Who can come to SUSTAIN! - Green Culture Summit?

SUSTAIN! is open to everyone! We invite all event organizers, sustainability managers, people from the music industry, and also generally interested people without a connection to the industry to participate in the conference.

How can I register for SUSTAIN! - Green Culture Summit?

How much does it cost to attend SUSTAIN! - Green Culture Summit or networking event?

SUSTAIN! conference and networking event are free of charge and open to all interested parties. No Reeperbahn Festival or conference ticket is required. However, prior registration is needed.

Register here

What if I have not registered in advance and want to attend the conference or networking event spontaneously?

Spontaneous participation is generally possible with on-site registration, but in this case admission cannot be guaranteed, as registered ticket holders have priority.

Locations and directions:

Where does SUSTAIN! - Green Culture Summit take place? Where does the networking event take place?

SUSTAIN! takes place at event location Schmidts Tivoli (Spielbudenplatz 27-28, 20359 Hamburg). The subsequent networking event with drinks will take place at Sonnendeck St. Pauli (at St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, 20359 Hamburg).

Is there parking?

There is no parking on site, please use public transport to get there.

Is public transportation available closeby?

Yes, Schmidts Tivoli:

S-Bahn: S1, S3; stop: Reeperbahn
U-Bahn: U3; stop: St. Pauli

walking distance: about 5 minutes 

fast bus: 36/37; stop: Davidstraße

walking distance: about 2 minutes 

Yes, Sonnendeck St. Pauli: 

S-Bahn: S1, S2, S3 
U-Bahn: U3                                                       
bus: 2, 111, 112, 156, 256, 608  
ferry: 62, 72, 73, 75 

stop: Landungsbrücken + walking distance about 3 minutes 

Is the location accessible?

Yes, Schmidts Tivoli event location is accessible without barriers. If you have any questions or other concerns about accessibility, please feel free to contact us via our contact address office(at)greeneventshamburg.de. Further info: www.tivoli.de/service-kontakt/barrierefreiheit

Yes, Sonnendeck St.Pauli event location is accessible without barriers. If you have any questions or other concerns about accessibility, please feel free to contact us via our contact address office(at)greeneventshamburg.de. Further info:  www.sonnendeck-stpauli.de/de

Program and schedule:

Where can I find the conference program and schedule?

The program will follow in the coming weeks and will be available on this website including the schedule.

When does SUSTAIN! - Green Culture Summit start and when does it end?

SUSTAIN! at Schmidts Tivoli starts at 10 AM and ends at 4:30 PM.

The networking event with drinks at beach club Sonnendeck St.Pauli starts at 4:30 PM and ends at 7:00 PM. 

Food & drinks:

Will meals be provided during SUSTAIN!?

Self-pay snacks and drinks will be available during the conference.

Speakers will receive catering from the organizers. 

Are there special offers for vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free participants?

Vegan and vegetarian options will be available, regarding gluten-free alternatives we are reviewing the offer and will update this info in the coming weeks.

Contact and support:

How can I contact the organizers if I have questions or problems?

E-Mail office(at)greeneventshamburg.de

If you need a contact person on site, just ask for the organizers at the bar or at the FOH desk.