


Member of parliament, founder Deichbrand festival

Panel: Take the money and run - Can we afford sustainability as an industry? |

Daniel Schneider, 47, entrepreneur (culture and marketing manager).

Born on 11 Dec 1976 in Cuxhaven has lived in Otterndorf with his partner and two children since 2019, after working in Dortmund, Munich and Hamburg.

Professional background

1998: A-levels in economics at the BBS Cuxhaven (as a student, numerous part-time jobs in gastronomy and as a stagehand at the Cuxhaven Municipal Theater, self-employment as an event organizer)

1999: Studies of communication and marketing business at the advertising and media academy Marquardt in Dortmund (as a student, numerous part-time jobs in marketing and events, including at the Westfalenhallen)

2003-2004: Member of the Host Port Committee for THE TALL SHIPS' RACE as an employee of the Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH

2004-2005: Event manager at Hapag-Hallen at the Steubenhöft in Cuxhaven

2005 until today: Founder and Managing Director at DEICHBRAND Festival

2007 to 2009: Parallel full time as consultant in marketing and communication agencies (Munich)

2010: Foundation of ESK Events & Promotion GmbH and HKES Eventlogistik GmbH

2017: Founding and board member of the Tourismuswirtschaftsgemeinschaft Cuxhaven e.V.

2018: Foundation of Visit Cuxhaven GmbH and Eventkontor Cuxhaven GmbH

2021: Direct election as Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) for constituency 29 Cuxhaven/Stade II; deputy spokesman on cultural and media policy for the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag; full member of the Committee on Culture and Media, the Committee on the Environment and Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, and the Committee on Tourism; deputy member of the Committee on Digital Affairs; deputy chairman of the Lower Saxony/Bremen state groups

© Ulf Duda