Pressesprecherin Fridays for Future



Fridays for Future, publicist and activist

Panel: Take the money and run - Can we afford sustainability as an industry? |

Annika Rittmann is a climate justice activist with Fridays for Future since 2019, where she is part of a worldwide movement mobilising millions of people on to the streets for climate justice and a carbon-zero society. She represents the movement as press spokesperson and in nationwide cooperation work. In 2019, she was part of shaping Fridays for Future's demands to the Hamburg Senate and in 2021, she took part in the creation of the 60-metre-long permanent lettering "Wie Alle für 1.5°C" on Hamburg's Mönckebergstraße. Annika Rittmann was born in Hamburg on September 12, 2002 and graduated from high school in 2020. She now studies human-computer interaction at the University of Hamburg, teaches computer science at her former school, and is active as a player and referee in women's football.

© Jan-Marius Komorek