Schmidt Theater Hamburg
09:30-17:00 Uhr
SUSTAIN!ability Sessions beim Reeperbahn Festival 2024
The Changency und Green Events Hamburg bringen auch dieses Jahr wieder nachhaltige Sessions auf das Reeperbahn Festival!
Unter dem Namen "SUSTAIN!ability Sessions" wird es im Rahmen des RBF Konferenzprogramms wieder um kreislauffähige und nachhaltige Themen in der Musik- und Veranstaltungsbranche gehen. Kuratiert werden die Sessions vom Team des SUSTAIN! Green Culture Summit: The Changency und Green Events Hamburg.
Motivierende Beispiele aus der Praxis und Paneldiskussionen oder Inspirationsbeiträge behandeln in Hamburg die Fragen: Ist business as usual wirklich over? Und wenn ja, wie können wir Nachhaltigkeit finanzieren und sogar wirtschaftliche Vorteile daraus ziehen? Wie gelingt uns die nachhaltige Transformation als Kulturbranche?
Für die Teilnahme an den SUSTAIN!ability Sessions beim Reeperbahn Festival 2024 am 20.9. benötigst du ein Konferenzticket des Reeperbahn Festivals.
Von nachhaltiger Fan-Mobilität bei AnnenMayKantereit, über Louisa Schneiders empowernder Klima-Liveshow bis hin zu innovativen Clubs und power to the people! Das sind nur einige der vielen Highlights, die euch am Freitag, 20. September, zwischen 9.30 – 17 Uhr im Schmidt Theater am Spielbudenplatz im Herzen Hamburgs erwarten.
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, eine bundesweite und internationale Vernetzung von Akteur*innen der Musik- und Veranstaltungsbranche mit den Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislauffähigkeit herzustellen und Handlungswissen aus der Praxis weiterzugeben.
Ende:End: 10.30
Get In
Ende:End: 11:15
Ort:Location: Schmidts Tivoli, Spielbudenplatz
Opening words
Sprecher*innen: Speaker:
The Changency, Green Events Hamburg
Panel Details
Please give it up for SUSTAIN! – Green Culture Summit
What if we not only know the solutions for a better future, but also implement them? That's what the initiators of SUSTAIN! thought and set up a summit that is about exactly that: empowerment and optimism instead of a mindset of apocalypse. This conference is featuring change makers from all over Europe who are already living the green transformation in the cultural sector and are sharing their knowledge. Welcome to the premiere of SUSTAIN!
Ende:End: 12:00
What you measure you will manage: Climate assessments for the Reeperbahnfestival
Sprecher*innen: Speaker:
Jacob Sylvester Bilabel, Ramona Kappmeyer
Panel Details
The Reeperbahn Festival is proactively moving forward: In the project "Klimabilanz Reeperbahn Festival" up to 7 venues of the Reeperbahn Festival will receive a climate balance for the year 2023. According to "What you measure you will manage", the basis for a change of direction towards the vision of a climate-neutral Reeperbahn Festival can be laid and practical first steps in this direction can be taken. How these steps look like and what are the biggest climate factors in the cultural sector will be presented in this lecture.
The project is made possible by funding from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media. The assessments will be carried out by experts from Thema1 GmbH and presented at the Reeperbahn Festival 2024.
Ende:End: 12:50
Ort:Location: Schmidts Tivoli, Spielbudenplatz
Welcome by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection
Sprecher*innen: Speaker:
Panel Details
Welcome by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection
Michael Kellner (Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and the Federal Government's contact person for the cultural and creative industries) will address the challenges and opportunities of climate protection and circularity for the event industry in his welcoming speech.
Ende:End: 13:45
Ort:Location: Schmidts Tivoli, Spielbudenplatz
Concerts and climate protection: Nothing but nice words?
Sprecher*innen: Speaker:
Lena Hansen, Ole Plogstedt, Stephan Thanscheidt, Michael Kellner
Panel Details
Once again, the music business is falling behind. While large companies like Intel or Thyssen-Krupp are supported with billions in their transformation efforts towards climate-friendly production conditions, the majority of the emission-intensive concert industry is only offered advice. Yet almost all sectors of the economy were considered in the conception of the European Union's Green Deal. There is also the German government's Climate and Transformation Fund, 2023 with a budgeted spending volume of almost 36 billion Euro, as well as countless other support programmes to improve the climate balance.
But where are those funding instruments and monetary subsidies for the necessary modernisation of concerts, tours and festivals in terms of climate protection? How needs-oriented are these programmes, or are they once again threatened only by the political offside trap of "not systemically relevant"?
Ende:End: 14:00
Networking Break
Ende:End: 14:30
Ort:Location: Schmidts Tivoli, Spielbudenplatz
Right here, right now: All for 1.5 degrees vs can Open Airs still take place in the future? Scientific keynote
Sprecher*innen: Speaker:
Panel Details
Festival cancellations due to forest fires, hailstorms and extreme weather - can we still safely set up open air events in the future?
The scientific input by climate scientist and IPCC report author Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob classifies which effects man-made climate change has: now and in the future. Plus the bonus question: What are planetary boundaries and which ones have we already exceeded? Where are opportunities for the event industry?
Ende:End: 14:50
Ort:Location: Schmidts Tivoli, Spielbudenplatz
Forget your strife, embrace life: Plant a SEEED Sustainability meets your favorite band Keynote and interview
Sprecher*innen: Speaker:
Prof. Thomas Sakschewski, Katrin Wipper, Sarah Lüngen
Panel Details
Embrace life: For the study 'Plant a SEEED' The Changency (Katrin Wipper, Sarah Lüngen) together with Prof. Thomas Sakschweski from Berlin University of Applied Sciences took a close look at five concerts of German band Seeed in Berlin's Wuhlheide in regards to their environmental impact. The results answer what levers the music and event industry must pull in order to still be throwing the best party on the planet in 5 years. And does the audience actually go along with all this 'green clunk'? Does sustainability communication directed at fans help or hinder sales for event organizers?
Ende:End: 15:45
Ort:Location: Schmidts Tivoli, Spielbudenplatz
Take the money and run - Can we afford sustainability as an industry?
Sprecher*innen: Speaker:
Nina Laible, Tabea Kaplan, Annika Rittmann, Daniel Schneider, Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob
Panel Details
From Hell yeah to Fuck no: This critical discussion addresses the topic of additional costs, climate impact costs and climate adaptation costs in the music and event industry. Plus: Has anyone thought of social responsibility yet?
In addition, how must policymakers support the cultural industry in its transformation? What is the truth about these alleged additional costs? How much does 'business as usual' cost, and who pays the price tag for this?
This panel brings together a variety of opinions, and that's a good thing: practical experience and budgets on the part of organizers and artists meet political framework conditions and restrictions. At the same time, climate experts and the good conscience of activism aka Fridays For Future zoom out into the big picture and share facts for the music and event industry - plus possible savings in case of a quick transformation.
Ende:End: 16:00
Networking Break
Ende:End: 16:45
Ort:Location: Schmidts Tivoli, Spielbudenplatz
Bullshit Bingo Climate Crisis
Panel Details
"Bullshit Bingo climate crisis“: Experience 30 minutes of love, bullshit and climate crisis. In the interactive "Bullshit Bingo climate crisis", clichés and absurd statements about the climate crisis will be reproduced and the contradictions and exaggerations in the debate will be refuted fact-based thanks to the experts from Klimadashboard.de. Each visitor will receive a bingo card with buzzwords and bullshit at the entrance - from technology openness to climate highways, we will evaluate the most beautiful bullshit phrases of the climate debate. And the best thing about it: You will not only get helpful information for the next bullshit debate: the first bingo will also receive a little surprise, no bullshit!"
Ende:End: 16:50
Ort:Location: Schmidts Tivoli, Spielbudenplatz
Beyond borders: circular festivals & innovations in Europe
Sprecher*innen: Speaker:
Jasper Goossen, Sanne Stephansen, Daan Stigter, Jamal Chalabi, Peter Scheer
Panel Details
This panel is an ode to empowerment: Jasper Goossen (CEO DGTL Festival, NL) lets us in on which obstacles the DGTL team had to overcome on the path to the world's most famous circular festival. Sanne Stephansen (head of sustainability Roskilde festival, DK) shares their festival's success story in visitor engagement and what their circular lab envisions.
Daan Stigter (Labvlieland, Into The Great Wide Open, NL) shares which sustainable and circular measures are 'fan favorites' and have the most impact.
There is nothing you can do as a touring artist? Tour and production manager Jamal Chalabi (Yungblud/Massive Attack; head of touring AGF, UK) lists a number of measures he has implemented on tour and why communication is key. Turning urine by concertgoers into tea and what it's like to work with space agencies and festivals: Peter Scheer (Semilla Sanitation, NL) shares their circularity vision!
Organisationen vor Ort
Die SUSTAIN!ability Sessions im Rahmen der Konferenz des Reeperbahn Festivals 2024 werden kuratiert von Green Events Hamburg und The Changency – Agentur für nachhaltigen Wandel.

Green Events Hamburg
Green Events Hamburg ist ein offenes Netzwerk für zukunftsorientiertes Veranstalten.

The Changency – Agentur für nachhaltigen Wandel
Unsere Herzen schlagen für Musik und Klimaschutz. Egal ob Künstler*innen, Booking Agenturen, Veranstaltende, Labels oder Managements – wir freuen uns über jeden Menschen, der die Musik- und Veranstaltungsbranche gemeinsam mit uns nachhaltiger und fairer gestalten möchte.